
Java Script Examples step by step with Codes

Four Examples of Java Script with codes

Calculate how many chocolates will you eat in you remaining life


<form name="myform">
 <input type="date" name="dob"/><label>Enter Your Date of Birth</label><br>
 <input type="number" name="num" placeholder="Enter Number of Choclates you eat per month"> <label>Enter How Many Choclates you eat in one month</label><br>
 <input type="button" value="Calculate" onclick="calc()"/>
<div>Total Number of choclates you will eat in your life is: <b><span id="result"></span></b><br><sub>* You have maximum age of 80 years</sub></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
function calc()
 var dob = document.forms['myform']['dob'].value;
 var num = document.forms['myform']['num'].value;

 var a =new Date(dob);
 var b = new Date();

 var dayr = 29200 - ((((b.getTime()- a.getTime())/1000)/60)/60)/24;

 document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = (num/30)*dayr;




Total Number of choclates you will eat in your life is:
* You have maximum age of 80 years

Remove Char at given index


<form name="myform">
 <input type="text" name="mystr" placeholder="Enter a String"/>
 <input type="number" name="indx" placeholder="Enter Index of Character">
 <input type="button" value="Create New String" onclick="nwstr()"/>
<div>New String is: <b><span id="result"></span></b></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
function nwstr()
 var mstr = document.forms['myform']['mystr'].value;
 var indx = document.forms['myform']['indx'].value;
 var newstr = mstr.substring(0,indx) + mstr.substring((Number(indx)+1));
 document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = newstr;




New String is:

Add word Py in start of the given string


<form name="myform">
 <input type="text" name="mystr" placeholder="Enter a String"/>
 <input type="button" value="Create New String" onclick="nwstr()"/>
<div>New String is: <b><span id="result"></span></b></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
function nwstr()
 var mstr = document.forms['myform']['mystr'].value;
 var newstr = "Py"+mstr;
 document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = newstr;




New String is:

Display current day and time


<script type="text/javascript">
var d = new Date();

document.write("Today is: "+d);

document.write("<br>Year is "+(d.getFullYear()));
document.write("<br>Month is "+(d.getMonth()+1));
document.write("<br>Day is "+(d.getDate()));
document.write("<br>Day of Week is "+(d.getDay()+1));



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