Sukkur IBA University Offer Admissions 2019
Admissions Open For Spring 2019 At SUKIBA Sukkur Campus
Last date to apply is Monday, January 7, 2019

Admissions Open at Sukkur IBA University's Main Campus, Sukkur for the batch Spring 2019. SUKIBA offers admissions in different fields of study for Diploma Programs.
Sukkur IBA University Offer Admissions 2019 in Diploma
Courses Offered
Diploma Coursescurrently no course offered for Diploma at SUKIBA, keep visiting the Computer Zila For Latest Admissions
Bachelors Coursescurrently no course offered for bachelors at SUKIBA, keep visiting the Computer Zila For Latest Admissions
Masters Coursescurrently no course offered for Masters at SUKIBA, keep visiting the Computer Zila For Latest Admissions
Phd Coursescurrently no course offered for Ph.D. at SUKIBA, keep visiting the Computer Zila For Latest Admissions
Admissions Offered in Following Fields
3D Animation And Visual Effects 6 MonthEligibility Criteria
Diploma Eligibilitycurrently no course offered for bachelors at SUKIBA, keep visiting the Computer Zila For Latest Admissions
Bachelors Eligibilitycurrently no course offered for bachelors at SUKIBA, keep visiting the Computer Zila For Latest Admissions
Masters Eligibilitycurrently no course offered for masters at SUKIBA, keep visiting the Computer Zila For Latest Admissions
Phd Eligibilitycurrently no course offered for phd at SUKIBA, keep visiting the Computer Zila For Latest Admissions
Dates to Remember
Last Date To ApplyMonday, January 7, 2019
Admission Test Dateadmission test date is not mentioned in newspaper
Interview Dateinterview date is not mentioned in newspaper
Commencement of ClassesMonday, January 14, 2019
University Information
University NameSukkur IBA University
University DescriptionThe Sukkur IBA University (previously Sukkur Institute of Business Administration or Sukkur IBA) is a higher education institute in Sukkur, Pakistan. The university is a public sector degree-awarding institute chartered by the Government of Sindh and recognized by the Higher Education Commission.
In 1994, the school was established as Sukkur Institute of Business Administration. It was located initially in hired rooms of Public School Sukkur building in Sukkur. At first, Sukkur IBA was affiliated to Institute of Business Administration, Karachi; with founding Director Professor Dr. Syed Anwar Ali Shah (Present Pro-Vice Chancellor University of Sindh) the institute received its full charter from the Government of Sindh in 2006, creating an opportunity for the Sindhi youth. The institute is ranked 3rd among the five independent business schools of Pakistan included in the Higher Education Commission Pakistan Business School Ranking-2013.
University TagSUKIBA
University URL
University Admission URL
Admission CampusMain Campus, Sukkur
University CitiesSukkur
Main Campus, Sukkur Information
Campus NameMain Campus, Sukkur
Campus AdressSukkur IBA University, Airport Road, Sukkur Sindh, Pakistan
Campus Website
Campus CitySukkur
Campus Phone no.+92-71-5644000-05
Campus Phone no. 2+92-71-5644219
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